Thursday, April 25, 2013

LOL! I'M BACK!!...again!

I can't believe I completely stopped posting here! Well I am back. Those last few months in Norway and the first few months home were pretty dizzying and crazy, so I will forgive myself for not being on my game. I have decided to change the tenor of my blog since I am home now.

It has been an adjustment, but I think I have reached some degree of normalcy now. So I feel confident to take on some projects and make some concrete goals. This blog will just follow all of the happenings in my life. There have already been quite a few. I won't bore you with the details, but....I am an aunt now!!!! He name? Preston Baylor Michael Rogan!! He is the most perfect little babe you ever did see! I love him more than anything. That is the best news. I probably should have started with  some other stuff and built up to it, but I couldn't help it. Also, that was one of the first things to happen when I got back. So now I have a new sister, the beautiful Laura and a wonderful nephew.

Over the next few months, I traveled to New York four times (upstate New York, not NYC). I often travel to my church's conference center there. On one of the trips, I catered my first wedding. It was for about two-hundred and fifty people. That was an awesome experience. I will probably do more things like that with my home church in Michigan. We will see how it all turns out. That will be one of the things I blog about. We are renovating the kitchen in preparation for hosting events and that is a pretty big project in itself.

So moving on. I got a wonderful visit from some friends from oversees. Some of my German friends visited me and we went Downtown Detroit and later met up with them at Niagra Falls. It was wonderful to see them again. I couldn't believe my luck to see them so soon after coming back home.

I also got to see several more friends on my travels in New York and we watched NCAA Final Four Basketball - Michigan vs. Syracuse. It was a fantastic weekend. I think I laughed the entire time.

I also joined the choir at my church and we recorded a song, beautifully written by my good friend Stephanie!
In only a few weeks another friend is moving to Michigan for a few months and I can't wait to see her.

And I straightened my hair, for the first time in two years. This is probably the only time you will see me with straight hair, so...enjoy. I like my curls to much to part with them often.

So now we are caught up. I have been job searching feverishly and only took a break this week to work on the renovation plans for the church kitchen.

I will keep you updated on both of those fronts and follow my journey to run a 5K this summer or fall, cooking at home (including green smoothies and juices), and all of my trips, projects, and visitors!

So my plan today?...I am making cauliflower soup (thanks - my FAVORITE cooking blog), stuffed baked mushrooms, and green juice with chia (haven't decided all of the ingredients yet). Then, on to clean my room, fold laundry, AND workout (either do a video at home or go to the gym with the best workout buddy in the world - Arielle :-)

Also...pray that one of these jobs calls me back.

So that's me in a nutshell for now. Let's see if I can keep up this blog consistently this time!