Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My kitchen co-workers!

It is time to write again. It has been to long since I last wrote. So many things happen every day that I get behind if I don’t write every day. But since I cannot write every day, I just get behind. So today was an interesting day. My good friend Lydia Floor left today, not 5 hours ago. I am so sad, I am already missing her so much. She is such a sweetheart and I am so glad I got to meet her. I will continue to pray for her and stay in touch with her. Maybe I will visit her in South Africa. I have to go to South Africa now, and Cameroon. I have such good friends there, now I have an awesome excuse to visit them. 

The youth meeting was great tonight. I was so gripped to give up everything in my life, to hate my life with all of my heart so that I will gain everlasting life. I will NOT love my life to the death. Jeg vil kjempe, jeg vil seire, jeg vil ikke falle! That is the cry of my heart. I know the Lord hears my prayers and I know He gives grace and power to overcome. I am filled with faith and I will let nothing take it from me. I will not give in to my lusts, my will, my feelings. Thank you God, for this wonderful Gospel, and this wonderful living faith in the Gospel.

After the youth meeting, we had “Verdens beste kake”, which, I can assure you, is NOT the worlds best cake. But it isn’t bad, it just doesn’t live up to its lofty name. Then we sang songs for several hours. Total fun. Marthe is so hilarious, I love that she never gets sick of singing and playing the piano. I never get sick of music either, so we are a perfect pair. I played the flute and Jaane, Anne Marie, Becky and some other girls sang.We could have gone on for hours if we didn't have to sleep or work the next day.

Night of the NINJA!
This past Sunday night we had a kitchen party. Lydia made waffles, and we had smores (without proper graham crackers) and chocolate and whipped cream and jam. We played Ninja, and 4 on a couch, and Mafia. All very funny. The next day was Monday, Lydia’s last day in the kitchen. So, we creamed her and soaked her to get her back for starting the water fight on the Friday before (she soaked Karen and I). It was so hilarious, but then she pied me back. I was totally not expecting it.

Lydia and I after being creamed.

In other news, Miroslava came back from Russia today. It was so nice to see her. Unfortunately, she won’t be here for too long either. She leaves to live in Oslo. I will miss her too. I hate all of these goodbyes. Another surprise, I saw Deborah Lescow again today, she and two other German girls came through before heading to Pagedal in Holland. I'm glad I got to sit and eat with them one more time.

Me, just after being creamed
It looks like I will be involved in the work parties this weekend. So I better be ready to work. I am kind of scared. It will be so different from kitchen. Well, it is Thursday morning and I am cook today at 10am so I should be getting to bed.

Alison pretending to be a really mean boss. Nice try Alison, but we all know how sweet you really are! lol!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Free Day?

My good friend from Bulgaria - Jordanka!
Me - at rehearsal for the flag procession at
 the A-team opening feast

It has been more than two weeks since my last post. It is so hard to find time to fit it in, because when I am not working, I am doing laundry or finally getting time to visit with friends (or sleep...yeah right!). I don't really have much time for blogging, but I must make time. These first three weeks of A-team have been amazing! Today is my second free day in these three weeks, and it is not really free. I am on-call...sort of...I know, funny isn't it? I leave my job where I am always on-call, and I come all the way to Norway, and I am still on-call or working everyday. God knows exactly the kind of person I am and exactly what I need.

Alison - I love South Africa!
It is so much fun to have fellowship with a group of people in four languages...simultaneously. As I am a person who loves languages and culture, it has been truly engaging and entertaining to see and experience these interactions. Above all else, however, is the amazing realization over how much we have in common. We are from all corners of the earth, and it is like they are my best friends, my brothers and sisters. I have many friends from South Africa, Cameroon, Ukraine, and Bulgaria who work in the kitchen at House 33 with me. It is so awesome to talk to them and know, that though we have very different lives, we have the same goal. We have such a fantastic time together and even in difficult situations, we are all fighting to get victory over the sin in OURSELVES not in those around us.

Alison and I at the A-team Feast

God is working with me that I can have peace and rest in ALL situations. I can continue to have complete faith in ALL situations. I think about how much I have been blessed in my life up to this point, and then hear and see people in situations SO completely different than mine and they are SO happy. They don't complain, they always rejoice, they are completely filled with happiness all of the time. That is how I WILL have it. I think to myself, 'How will I have it if I actually have to face something truly difficult in my life? Will I still be filled with joy, rest, peace, hope, and faith? Or will I give up?"  No, I believe that what it says in Romans 8:28 is true, always has been true, and always will be true. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose." So if I don't get the job I want, or people don't do things the way I think is best, or I don't get to do something I want to do, I can get rid of the I, I,I,I, blah blah blah, over and over again, it gets so boring; and I can see that ALL things that happen to me are so that I can get revelation and victory in my life. That is all that matters.
Priceless Aluminum foil friendship
 ring given to me from my friend from
Mother Russian - Miroslava
 I forgive you.

Birthday Celebration/Kitchen Meeting -
Happy Birthday for the tenth time Lydia!!
Debora and Jordanka
In the evenings it is nice too, because after working all day, I can go to some one's place or to a common area, drink tea or coffee and just relax and talk. Or I can play a game, go swimming, go for a walk and just enjoy the time with good friends. We are already planning an A-team Christmas party, an American Idol style talent show, and a Salsa party for one of the girl's birthdays. I can't believe it is nearly the middle of September already. Time is flying by far too quickly.

Karen, Lisa and Amy Ohhhh! Caaanadaaaa!!! (Amy is my adoptive A-team daughter)
Today it was very nice to sleep in and have a very nice brunch with croissants (I guess this was in honor of the youth from from a church in France who came to visit Forum [the Church's museum]). I stayed in the fellowship area of House 33 until 5pm talking, drinking tea, and losing at Dutch Blitz. Since being here, I have discovered that I am horrible at UNO, Dutch Blitz, and arm wrestling. I am interested to see how many other things for which I have no skill-set.

As soon as I finish my laundry and do a little Norwegian/Bible studying, I am going to meet some more girls for activities and fellowship this evening. I have no idea what my shifts are for this week, but I guess I will find out soon. That is all for now.

Alison, Me and Debora - I miss you Debora!!

*Disclaimer concerning the pictures: Sorry they are so bad. I don't have a proper camera, so these were taken on my phone without a flash. Hopefully, I will be getting an actual camera soon so that you don't have to suffer through my horrendous pictures.