Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More Awesome Stuff

Some other awesome stuff that happened today that I forgot in my last post...I saw rain on the fjord for the first time. I think rain drops landing on water is one of the most beautiful and poetic occurrences in nature. It was lovely. I watched from the sitting corner in House 33 on a break. I wish I could have just set by the water all day.

After the youth meeting, I went to the sauna. I know, completely against everything I stand for, but it actually felt great. I think the sauna is going to be my best friend this winter. I thought I wouldn't be able to breath because of my asthma, but it felt pretty good. I am about to research the health benefits of using a sauna, that way I can feel even more justified about using it. You know, the things that seem crazy and outrageous at home, start feeling normal and routine when you are here. I am seriously considering the 'sit-in-the-sauna' then 'jump-in-the-fjord' then 'sit-in-the-sauna' thing, even though I yelled at Scott about it last year.

I know I have not filled in the nearly two week blank yet, but I had to tell you about the Youth meeting, which was wonderful. Herman Van Dyke led the meeting. It was about how dangerous it is to try to have one foot in the world and one in the church. It is so terrible to try to live a double life. He spoke about how deceitful Satan is in trying to make us less zealous against the sin in our flesh. In the garden of Eden, that is how he deceived Adam and Eve. That is how he tried to tempt Jesus in the desert, but Jesus came right back with God's word. That is how I have to have it. I have to use my time and not just let it slip away. God wants to do a work in me, to free me from how I am by nature so that I am not subject to sin. As Kåre said in the conference, time is our life and we can just let it slip by not realizing that it was our LIFE. I do not want to have it that way. I do not want to waste a single minute. He read in Matthew 7:24-27 about the foolish man and the wise man and the foundation they each chose to build their homes upon. It is so important to build on the rock so that all that I build, all that I accomplish, does not come tumbling down at the first storm, the first trial, the first difficulty.

 The testimonies were amazing and went straight to my heart. The are so many young people here determined to get victory over the sin in their lives and I want to be a help and an example by being COMPLETELY faithful in my thoughts and in the hidden when no one but myself and God can see. That way I can make progress in my life that ALL can see and profit from.

Well, that is it for now. I know...I know, I still have to work on the summer conference entries. I will get to it asap!

1 comment:

  1. HEY Dee My Princess
    I enjoyed reading...the bit that I did read ... I'll read more later and write! Love
